Every month, the Good News Fellowship places Good News, free of charge, into around half of the prisons in the country - where chaplains request it -  and in several Christian rehab centres. This vital and effective ministry is entirely supported by gifts. Donations to this ministry are welcome and, if you are a UK income or capital gains tax payer, you can gift aid your donation at no cost to you. This means that we can recover the tax you have already paid on your gift. Cheques should be made payable to 'Good News Fellowship UK' and sent to: Phill Bounds, Good News Support, 9 Alderfen Close, Shelton Lock, Derby DE24 9QQ.
Please ask for a gift aid declaration form and, if you wish to pay by bank transfer, our bank account details. Tel: 01332 702742 or click here to email. If you would like to support this ministry in prayer, you can receive our bi-monthly newsletter which contains updates on prison outreach - click here to email our office and ask for the newsletter.